How to build a quality log house


How to build a quality log house

Almost everyone thinks the same way: life is full of worries and construction of the house will be another big concern. It would be better to buy a ready house. Then, people start to spend a lot of time searching and looking at different houses. They research a lot of houses, but they do not like anything…

That’s because most houses on the market are built for sale and quite often their quality is questionable.

Attitude to house construction all over the world

For this reason, the idea of building a house does not leave those people who are still in search of the house, or those who have bought a house and occupied it, and already, have got to know all his faults… Moreover, this situation is typical not for a single country, but it is typical for people all around the world.

Real estate specialists know that people like only the houses that people have built for themselves. Those houses are sold extremely rare. People around the world inherit such houses, and if they sell such houses, it is made only to people of their familiar circle. This is due to the fact that such houses are individually designed, constructed qualitatively, the materials used are of the best brands, and therefore, their value is very high or difficult to be determined.

Without a doubt, build a house for yourself!

It is clear that construction of the house will be cheaper than buying a ready house, which can also present unpleasant surprises. We do not recommend buying even old wooden houses made once by our company, because our technology is not standing still and become more perfect with each passing year.

All Work Must Begin with Planning!

Sometimes, preparation for the work determines progress of the work itself. First, the necessary studies should be carried out on the site, then, projects have to be developed from the general project, in combination, to the smallest project, in details, and only then, the stages of construction may be developed. When everything has been designed and planned, construction will be carried out efficiently, quickly and, what is the most important, economically efficient.

A well designed house is a half-built house! However, design and planning work is only the first step. Now let’s go over the process step by step:


To communicate with the architect, prepare a photo of any house you like, or sketch out a drawing of the house yourself. Our architects can build on an existing model of the house, but they can begin to develop and entirely new type of the house.

Architectural project of wooden house includes elevations, floor plans and cross-sections. We provide an architectural design of house on the basis of Target Specification Form, which is to be filled by the EcoHouseMart Project Manager serving you, according to your wishes.


Following the approval of the customer of the architectural project of his wooden house, we calculate the value of its component parts.

Cost of the Wooden House
Calculation of the cost of any wooden house is based on its architectural project (4 facades, floor plans, cross-sections) and Request Form for Calculation of Wooden House Set, which is to be filled by our Project Manager in accordance with the wishes of the client. The Request Form is a list of questions and your answers to them. They will be the original data to calculate the value of the wooden house.

– We calculate the cost of a wooden house with a view of it’s a complete set, including all finishing materials – it is an external and internal wall material, the design of ceiling and roof with the necessary paneling, floors and baseboards, interior and exterior doors with fittings, triple-glazed windows, sauna with interior decoration, etc. We do not deliver wooden houses partially or individual elements of the houses, as wooden house, built turnkey, is a guarantee of reliability and quality, as well as the reputation of our brand.

– We count the price for the set of the house about 2 weeks. This happens with the participation of engineers and designers, who adapt the project to the wood, in accordance with the standards adopted in Finland, considering the best engineering solutions with laminated veneer lumber / timber in this house.

The cost of a wooden house depends on many factors, such as:

  • The complexity of the architectural design is a major factor in its value.
  • Ceiling height.
  • Type of construction: timber or logs (thin or thick, glued or laminated).
  • Availability of frame structures.
  • Type of roof system depends on the choice of the type of roof, made by the client.
  • Select the component parts and materials: windows, doors, floors, stairs, sauna, decorations, etc. etc.

Based on those factors, you can understand that the cost of the ready wooden house calculated per 1 square meter can never be called. Even the wooden houses, which are presented on our website, customers order in a different configuration and order them made of different materials, so the price for wooden houses of the same model a can be very different, sometimes several times.

Terms of Payment

When placing an order for the production of a set of the wooden house, you must sign the contract and pay 50% of its value within 5 banking days. Payment of the second part of the price in the 50% must be paid by the client within 5 business days after we have done all working architectural drawings and approved them with the client.

100% advance payment is related to the fact that every wooden house we produce custom tailored: process the corresponding raw materials, glue them according to the selected profile, model the parts under certain sizes, etc.

Production Time for a Set of the Wooden House

Production time for the wooden house will be 12 weeks or more. It depends on the complexity of the design, size of the house, selected materials, the production schedule, the time of year and upon the client. If a customer makes a payment out of time, or it makes changes to the project or change the selected materials, the production of the house may be delayed.

Delivery of the House

On customer’s request, we deliver the full set of the house to the place of construction.


We proceed to projection of utilities after placing an order for a set of the wooden house and payment of 50% of its value.

Drawings of the House Foundation
We do those drawings before the start of work on the installation of the foundation on the basis of the architectural design of the wooden house. The cost of the drawings included in the total cost of the house set.

Construction Design (working architectural drawings)
They are detailed drawings, which are necessary for production of the wooden house set, and assembly of the house at the construction site. The cost of the drawings is included in the total cost of the house set.

Cost of Projection of Utilities
Projects of the house foundation, water supply, sewerage, heating and electrics – those types of engineering are not included in price of the house set, so they can be carried out by local experts.

Assembly of the Wooden House Is the Most Important Element in Construction! 
Finnish technology of erecting houses has its own specifics, so we trust their assembly only to our professionals – they have many years of experience and improve it in the process of assembling wooden houses, with new construction solutions and technologies.

The shell of the building consists of a roof, exterior walls, including windows and doors, and a foundation. It is necessary that all those structures, elements and details of the house were assembled professionally, thorough and accurate. The most of heat escapes through the roof, so it is important to put the insulation materials right. Proper installation of windows and doors in the wooden house, too, play an important role in the energy efficiency of the house.

Warm House
The energy efficient house is such architectural solutions and technologies that increase comfort and, at the same time, reduce the cost of heating a house. Subsequently, the cost of energy-efficient house construction will be paid off by reducing energy costs. Due to the effective construction, we achieve maximum comfort and save energy in every our house. The studies have shown that our wooden houses are extremely energy efficient – they allow saving up to 25% of energy amount.

Construction of log houses also leads to positive changes in the field of environmental impact. Implemented light facilities, ventilation, heat recovery, modern inverters, solar energy, water-saving plumbing fixtures and appliances are responsible for cost reduction. Despite the fact that our wooden houses are tight, people breathe easily in them – natural ability of wood to equalize the temperature and humidity ensure excellent air quality in any season. It, simultaneously, reduces the cost and ventilation.

Assembling of a wooden house set on a finished basement is carried out from 2 to 12 weeks – depending on the size of the house and its equipment. Unloading of component parts of the house and their storage at the construction site is important too – they must be carried out in accordance with accepted standards and regulations. If the assembly of the wooden house has been done wisely and carefully, in the future, you will avoid many problems.


Assembly of wooden houses is carried out by our experts, while construction of the whole wooden house on “turnkey basis” with the help of local construction companies will be more preferable.

Cost of construction of the wooden house on “turnkey basis” consists of prices for the following:

  • Design and planning
  • Preparation of the site for construction
  • Setting of the foundation
  • House set manufacture, delivery and assembly
  • Installation of technical equipment
  • Interior decorating

If prior to construction, someone will declare you the cost of the house construction “on turnkey basis”, then you should know that it would not be true.

Firstly, because land plots are different, and therefore, the price of preparatory work will differ, sometimes, greatly. We also encourage you to read section Selecting of the Right Land Plot for Your House on our website.

Secondly, arrangement of the house, its equipment, technical equipment and all kinds of accessories are cheap, expensive, very expensive, or even exclusive, so the cost of a wooden house “on turnkey basis” can be calculated only considering all your proposals.

No Bargain Is Worth Risking Reputation
We do not make shady deals, and we are honest business, observing all the laws of commerce. We want to have a solid reputation, so the activities of EcoHouseMart team is based on universal values such as honesty, openness, honesty and trust – we are focused on building the most trusting and long-term relationships with our customers.


Construction of a wooden house is a financial investment in the most reliable thing. Your house will display your image. Your image will be displayed, and you want it to be seen by other people. However, people do not build a house for other people but for themselves. It is the most important that every decision be your own, and that your house has been carefully designed, beautiful and reliable. It is the only thing that matters!

Happiness in a Log House
It is more important to make people happy than satisfy commercial ambitions. It is nice to see an incredibly well-built, very nice house, and eyes of its owners shining with happiness. You should know that, over time, the EcoHouseMart wooden house will become more beautiful and robust, and in some years, it becomes a work of art, and through the centuries, it will turn into a true masterpiece.

EcoHouseMart Log House is a stylish, perfect, durable and energy efficient wooden house with minimal operation costs, which is placed perfectly into the landscape and which, over time, will only rise in price. Believe us that you will admire, enjoy and be truly proud of your house.

The cost of a wooden house depends on many factors, such as:

  • Complexity of the architectural design is a major factor in its value.
  • Ceiling height.
  • Type of construction: timber or logs (thin or thick, glued or laminated).
  • Availability of frame structures.
  • Type of roof system depends on the choice of the type of roof, made by the client.
  • Select the component parts and materials: windows, doors, floors, stairs, sauna, decorations, etc. etc.

Based on those factors, you can understand that the cost of the ready wooden house calculated per 1 square foot can never be called. Even the wooden houses, which are presented on our website, customers order in different configurations and order them made of different materials, so the price for wooden houses of the same model a can be very different, sometimes several times.

Glued timber house construction is faster, more e8cient and environmentally friendly when compared to those made of stone, brick or concrete. The total time of manufacturing,
shipping and assembly of timber eco house is 4-5 months at an average:
  • 1.month- drawing up manufacturing & assembly design. Upon receipt of simpliGed architectural sketches from the client and calculation of basic package costs, EcoHouse Mart shall sign a contract with the customer for developing Technical Design for Manufacturing & Assembly.
  • 1,5 months – manufacturing of the house-kit. When the technical design is approved, the manufacturing of house starts in the factory. EcoHouse Mart shall sign a contract with the client for manufacture and delivery of prefabricated house-kit according to approved design project.
  • 6 weeks – delivery of the house to the client and preparation of the timber frame home basic package for assembly and other construction works.
  • 2 weeks– assembly of log walls and roof system of your new Laminated log house
* This total manufacture-assembly build time is taken as an example for an average ~2000 sq ft timber house. If the house is smaller or larger, the total built time will vary


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Note: Due to differences in personal preferences and requirements, the following items are not included in our packages: foundation, basement support post, any masonry items, plumbing and heating materials, electrical materials, kitchen cabinets or countertops, finish flooring, stains or finishes, roof insulation for log packages, nails, and miscellaneous items, such as flashing and vents.

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